It’s gray and rainy in Paris, ergo: it’s Restorative Yoga season
Shorter days means longer savasanas and no one’s mad about that
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Restorative Yoga junkies will tell you that any time is the right time for Restorative Yoga. And they’re not wrong. In these FOMO-a-go-go, side hustle mad times, our bodies and nervous systems need regular time outs.
That said, there is something primordially soul-satisfying about doing Restorative Yoga in the autumn and winter when the light is telling you to stay in pyjamas and the outside temperature is telling you to stay in pyjamas. Restorative Yoga is basically the pyjamas of yoga! It places zero demands on you apart from staying warm, getting comfortable and letting it all hang out. The point of Restorative Yoga is to put the body at ease in a setting that is conducive to complete relaxation.
All Hail Savasana
Of all the poses in the Restorative Yoga cannon, Savasana is the queen and the quickest entry point into the practice. And a Restorative savasana is a bit different from a regular old savasana in that five elements need to be present in order to transform savasana with a little ‘s’ into Savasana Queen of Poselandia 👸with a capital “S” (pageantry optional):
Ok, let’s do it
Set yourself up any way that’s comfortable on the floor and set a timer for 20 minutes. 20 whole minutes! According to Judith Hanson Lasater, “it takes at least 15 minutes to relax deeply.” This 15 minute mark is essential as it’s at that threshold that your identification with your body recedes, your senses retreat and your mind moves into witness mode. Delicious!
Need a bit more guidance? Check out this FREE no-props-necessary Restorative Yoga session from Restorative Yoga pioneer Judith Hanson Lasater and her daughter Lizzie.
Fortunately in Paris, there are several ways to indulge in regular Restorative Yoga sessions (see below) so you never have to go without 💗
30-Hour Restorative Yoga Training (Paris)
at Caelo Yoga with Laëtitia Lécuyer
Not just for teachers, therapists or other professionals! This Restorative Yoga training (certified by Yoga Alliance) is open to anyone interested in amplifying their practice and incorporating a profound healing modality into their routine. Through gentle and judicious use of props (blankets, bolsters, straps, chairs, sand bags etc) learn to ease physical, mental, emotional and energetic anxiety through passive action. Developed by Judith Hanson Lasater, the Restorative Yoga technique is suitable to all levels of practitioners, at any age.
👉 Friday Nov. 24th through Monday Nov. 27th, 2023
👉 9h-17h30 (exact hours communicated at sign-up)
👉 600€
👉 Reservation required
Where to find a weekly Restorative Yoga class in Paris
If you can’t be bothered to acquire all of the accessories for a fully-tricked out Restorative Yoga session at your place, read the story below and head to one of the highlighted studios. They’ll have all of the necessary props for a blissful session:
What you’ll need if you want to do Restorative Yoga at home
This is our recommended list of books and accessories for a safe and comfortable Restorative Yoga session at home (the books link to Amazon—Bookshop does not yet have a French presence, unfortch—so familiarize yourself with the titles then please visit your local bookshop!):