Slow Your Roll: Tips on Welcoming Autumn in Paris
Start with an Ayurvedic approach then follow that with a relaxing Yoga Nidra workshop
Autumn! It is here and we are thrilled! Paris is gorgeous at this time of year when its trees glow with golden haloes and its parks are carpeted with chestnuts and russet leaves. The light is crystalline and has a quality that makes the edges of everything appear crisp, even as the shadows grow longer and the temperatures begin their inexorable descent into ⛄.
As mentioned on Notes the other day, October will be dedicated to chilling the F out.
As we do every year, we encourage you to adapt your rhythms to those of Nature and begin slowly dialing back and curling inward. You don’t have to completely abandon your vigorous yoga—right now squirrels are very active gathering acorns and feathers for a cozy nest—but try tempering your asana practice with Yin, Yoga Nidra and Restorative. Or even easier: end your sessions with an extra 10 minutes or so of savasana to give your body time to condense and store the energy you’ve just created. You’re going to be drawing from that resource soon enough.
In Autumn, Ayurveda is your ally
Well, actually, Ayurveda is always your ally but in the autumn it can be an especially valuable friend helping you keep it together. Far from being a woo-woo practice, Ayurveda is a very simple way to observe and follow, as best you can, Nature’s cues in order to find balance. No need to throw out the contents of your fridge or refrain from weekly Vinyasa or become a renunciate; you just need to bring awareness to your habits and adjust them with the new season (this goes for every season, not just autumn.) If you know your Dosha, you can use it as a guideline to help you better align your lifestyle and eating habits with the countervailing winds of Vata (which is autumn’s dosha 🌬️). Ayurveda is ALL about maintaining harmony.

Quick tips to help you slow your roll into autumn
Lean into rituals that ground you: journaling, walking, meditating, cooking…
Speaking of cooking, add warming spices to your dishes (Need inspiration? Check out Tamsin’s recipes and be sure to subscribe to her Substack, Unfolding Conversations)
Cozy up to sweaters, fuzzy socks, mugs of tea, candlelight (kinda like the concepts of Hygge in Denmark or Lagom in Sweden)
Go to bed a little earlier and wake up a little earlier (follow the sun’s example)
Enjoy silence, away from a screen, and focus your energy inside
Think of October as a bridge. Like the aforementioned squirrels, start preparing now to ensure an even — some might even say Sattvic — transition to the cooler months ahead.
Yoga Nidra & Bain de Gongs (Paris)
at Yoga Village with Masha Begunova and Valéry
A workshop divided into two parts: the first will be devoted to Yoga Nidra, a meditation technique which induces deep relaxation on a physical, mental and emotional level. Your whole being will be primed, then, for the second part of the session during which the gongs’ vibrations will resonate with the frequencies of your very own cells to produce an even more profound state of tranquility.
👉 Sunday Oct. 1st, 2023
👉 14h30-17h
👉 35€
👉 Reservations required
No yoga experience necessary is necessary! Yoga Nidra and sound baths are open to everyone as there are no actual poses taught. You just have to be able to lie down, close your eyes and be comfortable. If you have an eye mask or pillow, highly recommend you bring it with you.
Love this cozy post, M and that soup looks so yummy!