Vinyasa Krama Kameleon
“I encourage students to apply a therapeutic approach to their personal practice and to encourage an adventurous heart.” —Matthew Sweeney
According to fitness app Strava, we just passed “Quitters’ Day”, the day when most of us abandon our well-intentioned new year’s resolutions.
In a recent analysis of data from 98.3 million of their users, Strava found that activity dropped off dramatically during the third week of January.
Do not lose hope if Quitters’ Day passed you by!
Psychologist Cliff Arnall named the third Monday in January ‘Blue Monday’ (cue New Order) because it is the day on which those of us who decided to commit to fitness or a new healthy habit finally DO something about it.
If you’re thinking about doing yoga or starting to meditate or dusting off your running shoes (🙋) or drawing every day like
or saying no to productivity culture like or putting some new routines into play (like the ones mentioned below), DO IT NOW.ICYMI
Last week we name-checked three Paris studios that have class specials on their schedules right now: one studio with a terrific Winter offer that works out to 12€ per class (a crazy good discount and it expires on January 26th so hop to it if you’ve been thinking about investing in your practice), and two studios with weekly incentives:
It is so easy to become disheartened by the reality distortion field surrounding fitness, wellness and their opaque pricing models. This is why news of affordable options should be celebrated and shouted from the rooftops (or newsletters.)
Good news for brand new yogis
If you are just dipping a toe into yoga or know someone who is interested, Osmose Yoga Paris has your back: this week, there are two classes on their schedule specifically designed for anyone new to the practice or new to Osmose’s studio in the 11e. These sessions are FREE and, knowing Renan, they will be organized, clear and provide a solid introduction.
Tuesday Jan. 23rd, 2024
Thursday Jan. 25th, 2024
Osmose is principally known as an Ashtanga studio however for these beginner sessions Hatha will be taught. Reservations are required and via email only:
Good news for yogis with adventurous hearts 💗
If you’re a regular yoga practitioner or simply yoga- and Ashtanga-curious, we recommend Osmose’s regular Vinyasa Krama sessions.
FYI: ‘Krama’ in Sanskrit means succession, progression or arrangement, and when used in conjunction with Vinyasa, ‘Vinyasa Krama’ suggests a step-by-step approach to ordering poses and other elements of a yoga class.
Designed by Matthew Sweeney, these Vinyasa Krama sequences are departures from Ashtanga’s traditionalism and informed by Matthew’s many years of practice, teaching and study of different physical therapy, meditation and yoga modalities. If you’ve ever felt stymied or discouraged by Ashtanga’s rigidity and/or sequencing (🙋), you’ll appreciate Matthew’s pragmatism and broad-mindedness:
Over the last decade however my teaching style has shifted somewhat from a standard orthodox approach to something that is more holistic. Although I have a great love for the Ashtanga series and its tradition, my interest is in practicing and teaching any aspect of yoga that works. Rather than adhering to one single viewpoint I do my best to connect to every student as authentically as I can.
After many years of yoga practice I have developed my own Vinyasa sequences that I promote and teach as suitable alternatives to the standard series. These unique Vinyasa classes are conducted to encourage students to apply a therapeutic approach to their personal practice and to encourage an adventurous heart.
It’s about adapting the practice to your needs; it’s not about sublimating your needs to the practice.
As of right now, Matthew has developed 16 Vinyasa Krama sequences, five of which are taught at Osmose Yoga:
Chandra Krama: moon sequence (there are variations within, depending on the phases of the moon)
This is a gentle, flowing series that combines Yin with Vinyasa.Skandha Krama: shoulder moon sequence
A dynamic series, this sequence evenly divides its focus on shoulder flexion and extension.Atapa Krama: sunshine sequence (several variations within)
Here’s where Matthew goes rogue 😂 : It’s a modified Ashtanga Primary series in which the sequencing is changed! Prop use is encouraged! Jump throughs are optional! And more preparatory work is done to open the shoulders and thoracic spine before backbending.Simha Krama: lion sequence
This targets legs and hips before backbending and includes supported thoracic opening.Marjara Krama: lion cub sequence
Probably the most therapeutic and challenging of the sequences, this series stabilizes the hips and shoulders, strengthens the side body, and emphasizes repetitions of movement done on your “weak” side.
These sessions are meant to complement and enhance a regular yoga practice, be it Ashtanga or something else. The full schedule of Osmose’s Vinyasa Krama special sessions is available here.