September Yoga News in Paris
Studios merging and moving, FREE yoga, class card deals to welcome Autumn
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Our favorite season is upon us and we can think of no better way to greet it than by swan-diving in.
Portes Ouvertes have been happening since the beginning of September, and will certainly continue through October. This Saturday, for example, you can sample FREE YOGA at Centre de Yoga Sivananda, or try a yoga session at Riise for 15€ (offer good until Sept. 30th.) For more up-to-date news, you can scan Google daily or sign up for every single yoga center’s newsletter OR why not just subscribe to Do Yoga in Paris and save yourself time and effort?
Speaking of…
A recent online article purporting to list the “5 Trendy Yoga Studios in Paris to Discover” mentions Le Tigre which no longer has brick-and-mortar locations in Paris (!), and provides only one address for Yoga Village (which now has 2 studios!) Yet another article called Jivamukti “the most traditional practice” (um, it was founded in 1984! In NYC!) This constant recycling of old digital content creates a vortex of false information which is why it’s important to have a guide you can trust. That’s us.
Nothing to do with yoga but lots to do with creativity and opening your mind: Les Soirées du Louvre are a chance to visit the museum on Wednesday and Friday evenings, and view the collections until 21h. FREE the first Friday of the month, 22€ otherwise.
If you’re feeling the need to reset your intentions this Fall, do it with Dani Marino’s Breathing into Purpose workshop at Baba Yoga Social Club.
Modo Yoga Paris (11e) and Yoga Garden (6e) have joined forces to create one super studio for hot yoga. What this means for Parisian yogis is that with one membership, you now have access to options on both sides of the Seine.
After months of dropping hints about its relocation, Studio Rituel has finally revealed its new address: 20 rue des Grands Augustins in the 6e. They’ll fling open the doors of their new digs on October 31st so come dressed up for Halloween 🎃
The Sanctuary Group, the fitness outfit responsible for Poses, Le Cercle, Aqua By, and Space Cycle, is offering a Rentrée deal: buy 2 classes for 29€ and get 1 FREE (to be used within one month of purchase, on all sites under “promos”.)
Yoga festival season continues this fall: join Mika de Brito, Anne-Cécile Moreau, Amélie Annoni and others at Les Évadées Festival in Compiègne which runs from September 27th through the 29th.
As a reminder…
In addition to weekly newsletters, paid subscribers receive regular bonus intel via Threads, our short and sweet updates on yoga happenings in Paris. In the last couple of weeks we’ve featured Portes Ouvertes, as well as a Parisian class card deal to make your entry into post-vacation life a little sweeter. And speaking of sweet, here’s what we’re looking forward to this autumn: