Tuesday treats! To be read and savoured during a coffee break or your métro ride or in this case your summer vacation 😎 because being a yogi(ni) means living with joy and discernment (Viveka in Sanskrit.) #themoreyouknow
Links We Like
La méditation de pleine conscience pour soigner le stress (France Info)
The benefits of morning meditation (The New York Times)
“On aura beau faire tout le yoga du monde, ça ne suffira jamais” (Le Temps)
Relax and unwind: The 3 restorative yoga poses you need to know for ultimate stress relief (Shape)
Bibliothérapie : quels sont les bienfaits de la lecture sur notre santé mentale? (Le Dauphiné Libéré)
And speaking of bibliotherapy…
If you’ve been browsing our Notes, you know that we’ve been recommending newly published titles en français that address and dissect beauty standards and contemporary yoga. Not exactly light beach reading, but might one of these books make a nice break from your sand-encrusted, sunscreen-splotched novel?
Le yoga, nouvel esprit du capitalisme: De la libération au néolibéralisme (Zineb Fahsi)
Politiser le bien-être (Camille Teste)
Selfie: Comment le capitalisme contrôle nos corps (Jennifer Padjemi)