February Check-in
If January is the month that invites us back into the process — of being present for ourselves and others, of attempting to be resolute in our commitments, of reaffirming what’s of value — then February is the month that lets us know how we’re doing. So…
Are you feeling as though things are moving in the direction of Flow more than they are spiraling into Flop territory? Try to forget about politics, humanitarian and environmental calamities for a second (I said ‘try’!) and think of this Flow/Flop prompt as an opportunity to check-in. What is your enteric nervous system telling you? Turning inward is, as Paris-based acupuncturist Elaine Huntzinger says, our natural tendency at this time of year so LEAN INTO IT.
You don’t have to be an aficionado/a of Traditional Chinese Medicine or even Ayurveda to know at your root that moving toward greater alignment with Nature’s rhythms is a life-enhancing step in the right direction:
Nights are long so lean into them by making sleep a priority
Your body craves cozy so lean into that with gentle practices in between your vigorous workouts
Speaking of cozy, pour ghee on everything (seriously good on porridge in the morning. If you can get your hands on steel-cut or pinhead oats, this porridge recipe is my absolute, hands-down, 10/10 favorite)
If there is sunshine, find a patch and park yourself in it to absorb as much natural light and vitamin D as possible
As far as yoga and meditation go: keep doing what you’re doing (have you tried this new Parisian studio? If yes, let everyone know in the Comments!) and throw some Yin yoga into your usual rotation of routines and exercise classes. If you have the time and/or the means, sign up for a Yin or Restorative yoga workshop or even a sound bath (recs below). The idea is to focus more on process than on progress (because anyway progress happens naturally when you’re leaning into process!)
If you can’t muster up the energy for any of that claptrap, try this: bundle up, head outdoors and luxuriate in a long meditative walk. Take it from me: it’ll do you good.
Restorative Yoga on the theme of Fatigue with Silvia and Malena at Anandakala Yoga in Montreuil. Saturday February 8th, 12h30-14h30. Reserve here.
Yin Yoga & Méditation: Apprivoiser l’immobilité, ensemble with Sandrine Martin at Beyoga. Saturday February 8th, 15h-17h30. Reserve here.
Vinyasa & Yin Revitalisant with Liliane Chen at Ashtanga Yoga Paris. Sunday February 9th, 14h-15h45. Reserve here.
Yin Yoga & Sound Healing at Mob Hôtel in Saint-Ouen with Joachim. Sunday February 9th, 14h30-15h30. Reserve here.
Yin Yoga & Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise with Zoë Sabourdy at Qee. Sunday February 9th, 15h-17h. Reserve here.
Soundbath: Le voyage vibratoire with Marine Giovannini at Centre Élément. Sunday February 9th, 17h30-19h. Reserve here.
Schedule a 45-minute acupuncture session with Elaine and let her deft hand with needles clear up energy blocages. Reserve here.
Book a 45- or 60-minute infrared sauna sesh at Aime and let the heat penetrate your bones. Reserve here.
Question: Has anyone been to Octane Wellness near Chaussée d’Antin? I’m curious about their services, in particular their infrared sauna situation and how it differs from Aime’s, Oh My Cream’s, and Belleyme’s (RIP)…