At the risk of sounding like “the rent is too damn high” guy: yoga classes are too damn expensive. There is no way to tiptoe around this sad truth which creates a true barrier to access.
For a while yoga studios offered low-cost or free classes known as Community or Karma thanks to their Teacher Training programs which supplied a steady stream of graduates in need of teaching experience. Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic, however, these Community classes have vanished from studio schedules leaving financially-struggling people without a real, IRL yoga class option.
Interestingly, the Teacher Trainings themselves have not vanished—in fact, they’re more numerous than ever—which makes us wonder about the commitment studios and programs have to their graduates. How are new teachers expected to build experience? Who is mentoring them as they take their first steps in front of a classroom? Where is the accountability?
Work Exchange
Fortunately, work-exchange still exists as a way to do yoga without going broke. Known poetically in French as “échange d’énergie”, your three or four hours of volunteering will get you unlimited yoga classes. The work is varied and can include anything from signing in students as they arrive, cleaning rooms, organizing props, or even contributing your own set of talents such as graphic design services 😉… It’s a great way to get involved in studio life, feel part of a community and strengthen your yoga practice.
Échange d’energie: Modo Yoga Paris
Participating in this program is win-win: by working a few hours, you contribute to Modo Yoga’s and your own well-being. There are two work-exchange options for those wanting to trade service for unlimited yoga classes:
Work 4 hours during the week
Work 3 hours on the weekend
If you’re interested, fill out this form and send in your candidacy.
Échange d’energie: Beyoga
If you’re richer in time than in euros, or simply want to become a more active community member, trade 4 hours weekly for unlimited yoga classes at Beyoga. Responsibilities might include opening and closing the studio, working the desk, greeting students and teachers, cleaning and organizing props…
All you have to do is fill out this form to throw your hat in the ring.
Je ne partage pas cet avis que les cours de yoga à Paris sont trop chers. Beaucoup de centres n'ont pas augmenté leurs tarifs alors que tout augmente autour de nous. Dépenser 15 à 20 € pour une heure trente de bien-être physique et mental, de prévention santé, et de spiritualité, bien sûr que ça n'est malheureusement pas accessible à tout le monde, mais cela reste très raisonnable en comparaison des autres activités qui offrent la même qualité de service (un massage par exemple.). La valeur du yoga est inestimable et il ne faut pas dévaloriser ce que cela peut apporter dans nos vies.