Can We Make Slow October a Thing?
What we’re craving as the days gets shorter: empty calendar pages, lazy yoga, gingerbread
After a Rentrée that felt like a marathon to catch up, we are planning a slow October. This means looking at the weeks ahead and ensuring that the quadrants on our calendar reflect back a balance of work and play, busy squares and quiet blank ones.
Not always easy to accomplish but like yoga itself, it’s a practice.
To kick off this new month, our suggestion is to focus on building up your vital energy reserves, known as Ojas in Sanskrit:
Stockpiling Ojas can be as simple as canceling an appointment to gift yourself some alone time (new/old favorite activity!) to baking gingerbread (thanks to for the reminder!) to giving meditation a try to doing some lazy yoga.
Not exactly lazy but how about a Sunday yoga class in a beautiful setting?
This Sunday October 6th, stretch and bend and breathe in Musée Carnavalet’s stunning ballroom. There are two sessions to choose from — one from 12h-13h30 and another from 15h30-17h. These classes are Iyengar (definitely not anyone’s idea of ‘lazy yoga’!) however they are all levels so you’re pretty much guaranteed maximum stability and zero acrobatics. At 7€ a pop, it’s a steal so reserve quickly if you’re interested.
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After the jump, weekly classes and a series of workshops to help you begin the process squirreling away energy for the longer nights ahead…
Where to find a weekly Restorative Yoga class in Paris
A Restorative Yoga class is basically set up in three courses:
Like a traditional French meal, pose #1 is the entrée, the palate-primer that prepares you for the main dish to come. You will be in this pose for 10 minutes. Pose #2—the plat—is the peak pose and you will remain in it for 10 minutes as well. The final pose, Pose #3, is Savasana, the dessert, and this you will luxuriate in for 20 whole minutes. It is absolutely delicious and nutritious, and worth the price of admission.
In Paris, we recommend:
Deep Restoration Iyengar with Shane Phillips at Rasa Yoga Rive Gauche
Restorative Yoga with Paola la Falce at Ashtanga Yoga Paris
Yoga Restauratif at Yoga & Co
Yoga Soft et Récupération at Studio Yoga République
Cycle d’Ateliers 2024-2025: Restorative Yoga (Montreuil)
with Silvia di Rienzo and Malena Beer
We really, really LOVE that this Ashtanga yoga studio in Montreuil makes a point of scheduling monthly, 2-hour Restorative Yoga workshops throughout the year. They understand the importance of slowing down and receiving yoga rather than doing yoga.
Saturdays in 2024: October 12th, November 23rd, December 14th
Saturdays in 2025: January 18th, February 8th, March 15th12h30-14h30
30€/session or 75€/three sessions
Each 2-hour workshop has a unique emphasis, so please visit their website here for more information.
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